Student Solution


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Week 2 Title VII and Affirmative Action

Week 2 Title VII and Affirmative Action

Q Whats is Title VII? Why doe it exist? What does it cover? What is the history of affirmative action in the United States? In our attempt to discuss affirmative action from an employer and employee perspective, please read United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO v. Weber and the discussion of Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Santa Clara County, California in Chapter 5. Referencing the materials in the text, explain affirmative action in conjunction with Title VII mandates from a legal perspective. What limits, if any, does Title VII place on affirmative action? How can companies manage affirmative action programs to encourage widespread recruitment, but avoid the stigma of quota systems as charged by affirmative action critics? Let's have a great academic, professional threaded discussion about these issues.. Question 1: Class - What is Title VII and why does it even exist?

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According to Bennett-Alexander & Hartman (2015), Title VII has been established in order to warn a particular individual against providing judgment on the basis of color, nationality, race, religion, sex/gender of another individual. This implies that any judgment made on the above mentioned bases will always be rejected and outlawed by the Constitution of America (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman, 2015).